It has been five years since I last posted in this blog. Other obligations work and so forth prevented me from having the time to post. However, it is perhaps time to get back to the business of looking at things from a different perspective and to perhaps have my readers look at things from a rather different perspective. A lot has happened in the las five years. We have survived the presidency of Obama. As I write this Donald Trump has been president for a little over a year. Nobody, least of all I could have predicted that he would have been elected. I met Donald Trump once in my youth. I must have been perhaps 16 and my father at the time worked for his father at Trump Village. My impression at the time was that he was a stuck up snotty kid. But as is often in life first impressions can be wrong. The only other president I ever met was George H. Bush when the Republican convention was in New York. The world is indeed small.
I hope that in the coming days and weeks I will be able to give my opinions about the world as I have come to look at it as an immigrant and an American for the last fifty plus years. Because of my unique background I have a perspective that is not commonly available to either both Americans or other immigrants. I hope that through this advantage I may have something to contribute to the discourse provided people are open minded.
The problem as I see it in our current atmosphere is that our social environment is ready for diversity with one exception. The diversity of ideas and point of views. I sense in the society around me that the only intolerance left that is promoted is the diversity of ideas. We have become so politically correct that those who have a perspective outside of that narrative are either ignored or exorcised by the ruling apparatus and forces.
I think it it’s going to be a fun ride, at least I hope . If not, then it will certainly be interesting times. I hope that you join us for this interesting ride.