Friday, January 1, 2021



Today is the first day of a new era. America will start the new year as a corrupt regime with a solid reputation by having a political class that found it expedient to cheat and steal an election in broad daylight. With the tacit collusion of the Republican party which acts as a rear guard of the ruling oligarchy’s right flank. We are told to ignore reality. Never mind that the numbers and statistical analyses of the election violates Benford’s law. Never mind that even up to a third of Democrats agree the election was fixed. Whatever the media conglomerates in the service of the oligarchy tell us, we have to accept. Our duty as peasants is to bend over and take it. Our overlords of the ruling class know what is best for us. 
Already they are making plans to turn us into compliant servants who will be punished if we don’t conform. Every program they are conceiving is designed to make you a compliant. All these “benefits” they are handing out are nothing more than a leash to keep you compliant. God forbid you should oppose or criticize them and your “benefits” will be cut and you will be penalized and blacklisted in the new “cancel” culture. Section 230 gives the technology conglomerates Carte Blanche a blanket license to screw up our lives by using the information they collect on you to ruin your life if they so deem you are a threat to the new social order
Our political system is badly compromised. For all intents and purposes we don’t have a Republican and Democratic party, we have a political class for sale to the highest  bidder. The injection of money from outside districts to corrupt local elections have distorted the system. We no longer have and have not had for some time a representative republic. 

Party labels have been left meaningless. Voters in some districts will vote for anyone with a D next to their name. The political class changes party labels as often as their underwear for political expediency. I suspect that if conservatives ran as democrats in democrat districts they would get elected simply for the simple reason they have a D next to their names. Carpet bagging has become the norm on the left even in safe districts. Candidates are assigned to districts and brought in some cases from other states to run in elections. Even in local races financing from other states pollute the elections leaving the local constituents without influence on the local offices. Big money has corrupted the system by allowing outsiders to buy their politicians to do their bidding. There was a time when citizens ran for office and served their fellow citizens by representing them. Now we have a professional political class that has a longer career than your local prostitute and a lower standard of morality. At all levels the preferred profession of a politician seems to be failed lawyer. Upwards of 80% of our legislative bodies are dominated by lawyers. Where are the bakers, plumbers, sanitation men etc. in government to represent us? We have done this to ourselves. We ignored the corruption for far too long and now we will pay the price. The only solution left is to start at the local level. We need major reforms to the system starting with term limits and a moratorium on running again for any office after having served. We need people who serve their neighbors as constituents, not a political class.
There are many things to be done. The danger is that now that we have accepted these “irregularities” in our elections we may not have a chance to reverse course in 2021 never mind 2022 or even 2024. The time to start is now. This has to be a bipartisan effort, because in the end it will effect us all equally.